Rent Management Features

  1. Personal Information: This includes the tenant’s name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, social security number, and emergency contact information.
  2. Rental History: This includes the rental application, lease agreement, move-in date, security deposit, and any other financial or legal documents related to the tenancy.
  3. Payment Details: This includes the tenant’s rent amount, due date, payment method, and any late fees or other charges.
  4. Maintenance and Repairs: This includes any maintenance requests or repair issues reported by the tenant, as well as the status of any repairs or maintenance work completed.
  5. Communications: This includes any communication between the tenant and property manager, such as emails, phone calls, and text messages.
  6. Move-Out Details: This includes the date the tenant moved out, any cleaning or repair fees deducted from the security deposit, and any outstanding rent or other charges.